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ECE Directory - Degrees & Credentials Record

Program - Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education
Name of degreeBachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education
Link to program-specific web page
Requirements for admission to this program?The limited access program admits high-quality teacher candidates who meet state-mandated admission requirements and show potential for the teaching profession. Admission to the undergraduate program for rising juniors and transfer students is selective and minimally requires: 1) Passing General Knowledge test scores from the Florida Teacher Certification Examination 2) Completing all General Education requirements, including a writing requirement 3) Completing EDF1005 Introduction to Education with a grade of B or higher and a course in Human Growth and Development or Developmental Psychology 4) A minimum 2.6 GPA 5) A minimum of 60 credits; the AA is required for transfer applicants Early Childhood Education applicants are asked to submit a Personal Goals Statement (PGS) addressing the following: a) Why do you wish to pursue a career in early childhood education? b) What personal qualities and/or experiences volunteering or working in educational or related settings make you a good candidate for a career in early childhood education? c) After having read the description of the Early Childhood Education program, describe how you think this program will meet your personal and career goals.
Early Childhood Associate degree accreditation (refers to NAEYC ECADA)?
Name of institutions with which specific ECE articulation agreements are in placeNone
Courses offered (number and name) that count toward the Florida Staff Credential or National CDA
Number of credit hours articulated for the Florida Staff Credential or National CDA (if student holds credential)
Average number of ECE courses offered on-campus (face to face) each term15
Average number of ECE courses offered online (virtual) each term3
Average number of ECE courses offered per term in accelerated format (e.g. courses offered in 6, 8, or 10 weeks)0
Average # of courses offered in Spanish each term?0
Number of ECE degrees awarded by this program last year13
Current tuition cost per credit hour for on-campus, face to face courses$111.00
Current fees for on-campus, face to face courses$17.00
Current tuition cost per credit hour offered for online/virtual learning courses$129.00
Current fees for online/virtual learning courses offered$17.26
# of T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Scholarships last fiscal year